OKIN collaborates with FOOD2ODS, a program driven by the Basque Country Food Cluster and Sinnple.

Ameztoi Anaiak, Bodegas Elosegi, Elmubas Petfood Group, and Urkabe Benetan, four food companies from Gipuzkoa, will work through cooperation and shared learning in the development of FOOD2ODS, a project that aims to promote the incorporation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in sector companies, with the goal of enhancing their competitiveness and aiding in the transformation of business activities. Specifically, the project will focus on establishing support and guidance models in the process of integrating SDGs, in line with corporate objectives and strategies.
Promoted and funded by the Department of Economic Promotion, Tourism, and Rural Environment of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, the project will be facilitated by BASQUE FOOD CLUSTER. It will also involve the collaboration of Sinnple, a social innovation consultancy that helps measure impact on society and the environment.
FOOD2ODS takes over from ODSFOOD, a project through which BASQUE FOOD CLUSTER created a digital tool that enables companies to self-diagnose their situation and objectives in this area, and establish methodological guidelines as a roadmap. After this work was carried out, it became evident that food companies in Gipuzkoa, particularly SMEs, require assistance and guidance for the proper incorporation of these SDGs into their economic activity. FOOD2ODS emerged in this context.
OKIN, on its part, was invited to the second working session to share its successful case of implementing SDGs in the company. We discussed the importance of internal communication in launching SDGs, creating a multidisciplinary work team to ensure all areas of the company are informed and able to convey their projects, and the significance of measurement and KPIs for continuous improvement each year.