OKIN presents its Company Culture at Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa.

Yesterday, we had Miren Alba Irastorza, Director of People Development at EGILE, and Xabier Gabirondo Cialceta, People and Prevention Inspector at Okin, with us at Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa. In this session, third-year students of the Industrial Organization Engineering degree had the opportunity to hear about the experiences of two companies regarding the #NewCulture.
Both talks highlighted the importance of companies having shared values and people being able to identify with them.
Thanks to Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknika and Urtzi Uribetxebarria for bringing us examples from both companies into the educational world, and to Miren Alba Irastorza and Xabier Gabirondo Cialceta for introducing your company.