OKIN with the "Digital SME in Urola Kosta" Program: an initiative to support business transformation.

Digitization has become a key field for business transformation. Information technology applications have enabled smart, efficient, and interconnected businesses. However, in this digitization process, comprehensive data management is essential to ensure the efficiency and competitiveness of companies.
Hence comes the initiative. That is, through the "Digital SME in Urola Kosta" project, the aim is to support small and medium-sized businesses in the region on their Industry 4.0 journey, enabling them to take new steps in the realm of digitization, develop data strategies within the company, implement suitable governance systems, and ultimately identify strategic lines of work to be implemented.
The project will run until September 2022 and will be developed in four main phases. The first will be the AWARENESS phase, working to raise awareness among the region's businesses about the importance of digitization. Next, in order to make the most of information and data collection, participating companies will be supported in developing a data strategy and implementing a practical case. The project is fully subsidized for businesses in the region.
In this way, the Urola Kosta Joint Council has organized an online session for businesses in the region to provide information about the project. The presentation will take place on July 6th at 9:15 AM. The information session will include, along with the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, three companies from the region that have previously joined the initiative in past years:
- Artificial Vision (Artadi Alimentacion SL – Okin; Zumaia)
- Cybersecurity (Arregui buzones y sistemas de seguridad SL; Orio)
- Business Intelligence (Jovi Automatismos SL; Zumaia)