
The European Lean&Green initiative, led in Spain by AECOC, has ten new member companies since last January. Specifically, they are Alimerka, Café Fortaleza, Campofrío, Europool, Frío Guerrero, Grupo Bel, Pooling Partners, Baleària, LPR and OKIN.
These companies are added to those that were already part of the initiative since Lean&Green arrived in Spain a year and a half ago: Alfil Logistics, Calidad Pascual, Chep, DHL, DIA, Eroski, GB Foods, Heineken, Leroy Merlin, Lidl, Mahou San Miguel, Nestlé, Saica and Unilever among others.
At OKIN we are committed to the greenhouse gas emissions we generate in our logistics and storage processes. Therefore, over the next 5 years we assume a firm commitment to reduce these emissions in our logistics activities, being audited by EY (Ernst & Young), which certifies that both the initial commitment and the achievement of the target meets the requirements.

Lean&Green is Europe's largest collaborative platform specifically aimed at reducing emissions associated with the supply chain.
It is an international and inter-professional initiative that aims to help companies reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by at least 20% within a maximum of 5 years. Aspiring to a quantifiable objective, collaborating with other companies at both national and European level, sharing good practices and being a benchmark for sustainability with a transparent and traceable monitoring system are just some of the advantages offered by this initiative.
The reduction measures presented by the member companies are grouped into two fields of action: transport and storage.
In the first group, measures such as training in efficient driving, the introduction of new fuels and the optimisation of the vehicle itself stand out. In addition, there are measures focused on the reorganization of transport flows, such as the optimization of routes and loads or the centralization of logistics platforms, generating a reduction in the number of trips.
As far as warehouses are concerned, the main measures implemented respond to the change of lights for LED lighting, the purchase of electricity from renewable sources and the change of refrigerant gases for others with a lower global warming potential.
More info: https://www.aecoc.es/servicios/leangreen-espana/