16th October, world bread day

On the World Day of Bread, 16 October, we remember our commitments as manufacturers of a universal food that we defend every day.
CIRCULAR ECONOMY AND FIGHT AGAINST PILGRIMAGE: In our daily work we generate by-products such as breadcrumbs, which we revalue by sending them to Benetan, a company in the same group, which produces a wide range of precooked products such as croquettes, san jacobos, stuffed mussels...
REDUCING THE CARBON FOOTPRINT: Aware of the threat posed by climate change and the depletion of natural resources, we are working to reduce our carbon footprint. To ratify our company's commitment to caring for the environment, we decided to join AECOC's Lean&Green initiative.
GREEN ENERGY: We manufacture our bread exclusively with 100% renewable energy. In Okin we are committed to the environment and every day we are more aware of the relationship between the emission of greenhouse gases and climate change. This greater awareness has translated into the contracting of green energy to carry out our daily bread production.
KM 0 AND SUSTAINABLE RAW MATERIALS: Working with local farmers is essential to optimise the value chain of our strategic raw materials, mainly flour. In Okin we believe it is necessary to have a consumption of local products in order to reduce transport, preserve the environment and support local entrepreneurs.
HEALTH: We are committed to healthy bread across our entire range. We believe in bread as a healthy food. In this sense, the Clean Label philosophy (No Additives or Preservatives) is the basis on which our concept of Health and Innovation grows.